(845) 570-1979
October 2 is Global Airway Health Day
To raise awareness of Airway Centered Disorder (ACD), the Foundation for Airway Health, with partners including health practitioners and concerned corporations, have declared October 2nd as “Global Airway Health Day.” The goal is to bring attention to this disorder and to promote a higher rate of proper diagnosis and treatment and in turn, a better quality of life.
The signs and symptoms often associated with ACD and that should be brought to a health care professional, such as a general care practitioner or dentist, include, but are not limited to:
Speech Problems
Concentration Problems
Behavioral Issues
Frequent Colds/Sore Throats/Tonsillitis
Chronic Headaches or Neck Pain
Deep Overbite
Impaired Immune Function
Restless Sleep
Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep
Health practitioners play a key role in this cause, so we have created a variety of tools to help you as you bring awareness to your colleagues, patients, and communities. All of these materials may be freely shared.
Comprehensive Tool Kit (logos, sample social media posts)
There's more you can do to become an Airway Advocate!
Subscribe to the Airway Advocate newsletter, and share! This is the most direct way to spread the message. Click HERE for back issues.
Purchase informational brochures for patients and parents to display in your office and distribute.
Make a donation to support the Foundation's work.